Just for fun !

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Anja Niemi: Starlets

In Anja Niemi's new series Starlets, the Norwegian photographer combines the self-portrait with the idea of the staged narrative. The images are like film stills or movie posters, with herself cast as all the characters. Niemi calls herself a 'one-man band', as she always works alone.

The stories are loosely told leaving room for interpretation, and although it is mostly fiction, "there will always be a bit of me in them" she says, believing that private experiences help to create universal statements. The images possess an eerie, unreal quality, combining tragedy with humor.

We have a tendency to cover up our flaws and decay, hiding all the ugliness of life and I try to have a bit of humor about it.
~~ Anja Niemi

Anja Niemi is one of the most exciting young European photographers. She has exhibited widely in both Europe and USA with her previous series Do Not Disturb, Portrait of the Invisible and Porcelain.

Starlets is on view at The Little Black Gallery, London.
June 4 - June 29, 2013

Anja Niemi
The Showgirl
Copyright © Anja Niemi

The Taxidermist
© Anja Niemi

The Bride
© Anja Niemi

The Receptionist
© Anja Niemi

The Roller Girl
© Anja Niemi

The Secretary
© Anja Niemi

The Socialite
© Anja Niemi

The Starlet
© Anja Niemi

The Wife
© Anja Niemi

The Reject
© Anja Niemi

Courtesy the artist and The Little Black Gallery, London.

Also on the Huffington Post.

1 comment:

  1. They are quite funny and I love the drama they present! Of course, the retro fashions lure me in too.


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