Just for fun !

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sabine Pigalle: Timequakes, a Reinterpretation of Ancient Paintings

Sabine Pigalle is a visual artist, born in France in 1963. Most of her work concentrates on the reinterpretation of myths. Religious history, mythology, Flemish primitive painting and also mannerism provide both the varied sources of her inspiration and the raw materials for artistic explorations. Sabine Pigalle produces hybrid photographs in different series, mainly dedicated to the art of portraiture, that combine the contemporary with references to ancient art.

The Timequakes series expresses the chaos witnessed by the artist during the Japanese earthquake of March 2011. Transposing material destruction into a temporal pileup, Sabine Pigalle mingles painted court portraits from the late 15th, 16th and early 17th century with contemporary photographic portraits.
Brought into collision by the lights of the modern city, they expose the layering of different eras, like a collage.
The artist recycles and mixes her own photographs, originally shot and compiled as a source of future works, (paintings, portraits, and Tokyo lights). These hybrid portraits create a bridge between painting and photography, figuration and abstraction, past and modern art.

Timequakes, beyond an aesthetic and precious first dance, is treating of the temporal sedimentation of our cultural patrimony, misappropriation and lure.

After Leonardo Da Vinci
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

After Jan Van Eyck
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

After Petrus Christus
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

After Pisanello
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

After Gerard de Saint Jean
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

After Lorenzo Di Credi
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

After Jan Van Eyck
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

After Piero Di Cosimo
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

After Rogier Van Der Weyden
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

After Lucas Cranach The Elder
Copyright © Sabine Pigalle, courtesy Louise Alexander Gallery

Timequakes is on exhibit at Art Paris Art Fair, 2013, Grand Palais
March 28 - April 1, 2013

This post has been published on the Huffington Post

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