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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lisa Tomasetti: Behind the Scenes with the Australian Ballet

In her first exhibition at James Makin Gallery, renown photographer Lisa Tomasetti presents a series of images of the Australian Ballet, having been granted exclusive access to photograph the Ballet over several years on their international tours to Tokyo, New York, and Paris. Taken out of their usual context the Ballerina's dance, pirouette and leap through the gritty city streets, as Tomasetti creates riveting images that fuse high gloss performance with coarse urban reality.

With an eye for unconventional juxtapositions, Tomasetti has cast her athletic subjects in a new light, that of the urban everyday. The works also display her almost classical sensibility toward the qualities form, composition and light through photographs that nonetheless retain their essential spontaneity.
~~~Marguerite Brown, Gallery Curator, 2013

Lisa Tomasetti is a highly acclaimed photographic artist, and also film stills photographer capturing iconic images of films such as Shine, The Saphires, and Star Wars Episode II. Her visual art is in major national collections such as the National Gallery of Australia, Art Gallery of Western Australia, and many more.

Lisa Tomasetti
Behind the Scenes: The Australian Ballet on the International Stage
Cygnets on 6th Ave, 2013
Courtesy the artist and James Makin Gallery, Melbourne

NYPD, Reiko Hombo, 2013
Courtesy the artist and James Makin Gallery, Melbourne

The Highline, Amber Scott, 2013
Courtesy the artist and James Makin Gallery, Melbourne

Time Square, Reiko Hombo, 2013
Courtesy the artist and James Makin Gallery, Melbourne

Cygnets, 2013
Courtesy the artist and James Makin Gallery, Melbourne

Downtown Tokyo, 2013
Courtesy the artist and James Makin Gallery, Melbourne

Imperial Palace, Amber Scott, 2013
Courtesy the artist and James Makin Gallery, Melbourne

Shinagawa Station, 2013
Courtesy the artist and James Makin Gallery, Melbourne

Lisa Tomasetti
Behind the Scenes: The Australian Ballet on the International  Stage
March 7 - 30, 2013

This post is also featured on the HuffPost

1 comment:

  1. Dancing appears as natural to them as walking.The Australian Ballet is a full-time ensemble company employing dancers whose talents are showcased in both classical and contemporary repertoire.
    thanks for posting.
    Travel Melbourne


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