Just for fun !

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Discover the Seven Deadly Sins at the Vice Versa Hotel

Opened in July 2012, the Vice Versa Hotel in Paris stands out for its original decor created by Chantal Thomass. The famous fashion designer was not only inspired by the 7 Deadly Sins to decorate the different floors of the Vice Versa Hotel, she also turned the reception into a corner of paradise and the hammam into a real but comfortable hell!

This luxurious boutique hotel has 37 rooms spread over 7 floors and each floor is a cardinal sin with a theme reflected from floor to ceiling. Passionate, Anger is tinged with red and black, and decorated with paintings tagged or guns on the carpet. Consisting of gold, statues and marble floors, Pride plunges you into an atmosphere of Etruscan palaces. Laziness can be felt in a rustic and very bucolic decor. Envy stirs up all desires with its very Parisian fashion accessories. Avarice leads in areas where bank notes are in abundance on the walls, ceiling....

Discover the Vice Versa Hotel, a dreamlike decor for a unique stay.

The reception area
Copyright © François Le Prat

Gluttony room
© François Le Prat
© François Le Prat

© François Le Prat

© François Le Prat

© François Le Prat

© François Le Prat

© François Le Prat
© François Le Prat

© François Le Prat
© François Le Prat

© François Le Prat

Courtesy Vice Versa Hotel Paris

This post has been published on the HuffPost

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