Just for fun !

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Vegetables and Men; A photographic series by Joëlle Dollé

" The first time I saw salsify was when I received an organic basket! I had never seen lemongrass before, never eaten Jerusalem artichokes, never cooked carrot tops... My lack of culture was quite impressive! It seemed to me that all of these vegetables deserved to be re-introduced. I wanted to bring a fresh perspective to these vegetables that are a part of our everyday life. I became engrossed in photographing them as 'life portraits'."
~~ Joëlle Dollé

Vegetables and Men, an exhibition and a book release.

With Vegetables and Men, French photographer Joëlle Dollé depicts some hundred anonymous and French personalities with vegetables. The exhibition and the book remind us of our relationship with vegetables (food, culture, history, language....). The objective is to find pleasure in the way we view our daily lives, and simplicity in our relationship to life. These photographs challenge our senses and are open to all.

Joëlle Dollé is a photographer and portraitist. She worked as an artistic director before choosing to devote herself to her passion for photography in 1998. She created and designed a collection of children's books entitled 'Histoire de voir' from her photographs of animals. In 2008, Dollé tackled the way illness and handicap are perceived, shedding light on the individual rather than focusing on their physical impairment or their difference. Two great exhibitions were carried out, one with the association AIDES and the other with Toit Citoyen de l'Arche de ls Défense.
Dollé's approach delves into the uniqueness of each individual, but also evokes the unity between all beings. With her series of portraits, she questions our relationship to others and to ourselves and, with Vegetables and Men, our link to nature.

JOËLLE DOLLÉ: Vegetables and Men
Anne Mondet ' sweet potato' © Joëlle Dollé
 Aurelie Cantin ' asparagus' © Joëlle Dollé
 Rodolphe Briand 'mushrooms' © Joëlle Dollé
 Claude Bureaux ' chicory' © Joëlle Dollé
 Alain Baraton 'bay leaves' © Joëlle Dollé
 Nikola Karabatic 'melon' © Joëlle Dollé
 Catherine 'pumpkin' © Joëlle Dollé
 Alain Passard 'horseradish' © Joëlle Dollé
 Michel Onfray 'rutabaga' © Joëlle Dollé
 Jerome Guyot 'tomatoes' © Joëlle Dollé

Courtesy of the artist 
Vegetables and Men, Portraits by Joëlle Dollé 
June 24 - September 9, 2012
Paris, Chai de Bercy
October 1st - December 31, 2012

The book is published by Éditions du Chêne

This post is featured on the Huffington Post

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is fabulous. I love how whimsical and playful they are. Gorgeous photography. Always fun to see what you're curating on your blog, Evelyne!


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