Just for fun !

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Alfonso Brezmes; Adult Tales " Paradise under construction "

There are no other paradises than lost paradises
~~Jorge Luis Borges

The photographic work of Alfonso Brezmes lies on the border of fiction and gaming. His photographs are imbued with great visual poetry. In the series Paradise under construction, the viewer is transported to an imaginary country, a sort of lost Eden, a surreal world where everything is possible. One comes across strange creatures out of the mist: mysterious characters, travelers, lost children wandering among the ruins of a lost paradise.

Between the jungle and the icebergs, Alfonso Brezmes depicts the remains of an idyllic world that has been extinguished. Also known for his collages, and as a storyteller, the Spanish photographer takes the viewer into his world, inviting him to perform and imagine the rest of the story.

Alfonso Brezmes lives and works in Madrid, Spain. Paradise under construction is currently on view in a group exhibition at Galerie VOZ, Paris.

Paradise under construction
Wishing well © Alfonso Brezmes

I' ll take care of your dreams © Alfonso Brezmes

Terra incognita © Alfonso Brezmes

School of angels © Alfonso Brezmes

Jardin d'hiver © Alfonso Brezmes

Unending paradise © Alfonso Brezmes

In the series Postcards from the Future (2009-2010), Alfonso Brezmes depicts a world of forgotten childhood memories. This series was born with the idea of a fantastic time-traveler who would send postcards from the future to us, the present dwellers. 
" I was inspired by fables I read when I was a child, and by writers such as Borges, Cortazar, Bradbury or  Kafka." Alfonso Brezmes

Postcards from the Future
Too late © Alfonso Brezmes

Diana in the desert of loneliness @ Alfonso Brezmes

Rino's red dream © Alfonso Brezmes

Fallen idol © Alfonso Brezmes

Memoirs du voyage © Alfonso Brezmes

Courtesy of Alfonso Brezmes
Paradise under construction on view at Galerie VOZ, Paris
April 6 - July 31, 2012
This post is featured on the Huffington Post

1 comment:

Thanks everyone for your nice comments! Keep checking this blog, cool posts everyday except on weekends..... Cheers!