Just for fun !

Monday, October 31, 2011

Audrey a Roma. Esterno giorno: An Exhibition and A Book

This is a follow up on a previous post, La Dolce Vita, Stars and Celebrities in the Italian Fifties.

From her very first performance on film in 1948 as an airline stewardess to her last one in 1989 as an angel, Audrey Hepburn withstood over forty years of artistic scrutiny. Today she remains the irrefutable personification of irresistible charm, grace and dignity.

On the fiftieth anniversary of Breakfast at Tiffany's, and simultaneously with the Rome International Film Festival, the eternal city will be honoring Audrey Hepburn for the first time with a tribute-exhibit at the Ara Pacis Museum. This celebration of the actress and humanitarian in "her" Rome will raise funds for UNICEF's project to fight child malnutrition, in conjunction with the Club Amici di Audrey. Hepburn devoted the last years of her life to serving as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

The exhibition contains images, videos and personal objects that recall the three lives Hepburn lived in Rome: as an actress, mother and UNICEF Ambassador. It coincides with the release of a book also titled Audrey a Roma and published by Mondadori. The photographic essay is featuring around 200 photos, snap shots rather than poses,  portraying the actress during her daily life, strolling around the city with her dogs, with her family, with her children.

The exhibit is curated by Audrey Hepburn's son, Luca Dotti, together with Ludovica Damiani, Sciascia Gambaccini and Guido Torlonia, with the consultancy of Sava Bisazza Terracini.

"Each city in its own way was... unforgettable. It would be difficult to... Rome; by all means, Rome.
I will cherish my visit here, in memory, for as long as I live."
~~ Audrey in Roman Holiday

Audrey Hepburn, Rome, 1960
Pierluigi Praturton © Reporters Associati

Audrey Hepburn with her dog "Famous", 1961
Elio Sorci © Camera Press / Photomasi

Audrey Hepburn with her son Sean, Rome, 1972
Girani © Reporters Associati

Audrey Hepburn on the set of the movie War and Peace, 1955
© Pierluigi Praturton © Reporters Associati

Audrey Hepburn and her husband Andrea Dotti, 1970
© Photomasi

Audrey Hepburn, Trinita dei Monti, 1959
© Archivio Storico Luce - Proprieta Cinecitta Luce

Audrey Hepburn, Hotel Hassler at Trinita dei Monti, Feb. 7, 1960
© Archivio Storico Luce - Proprieta Cinecitta Luce

Audrey Hepburn, Rome, 1968
Elio Sorci © Camera Press / Photomasi

Audrey a Roma
October 26 to December 4, 2011
This post is also featured on the Huffington Post


  1. So so wonderful! I thought I had seen every pic of her there was, but these are just so fun to see! Would love to see the exhibit honoring her!

  2. beautiful girls from the old time , awsome


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