Just for fun !

Monday, August 15, 2011

Garden of Eden by Andrzej Maciejewski

" Garden of Eden," is a series of still-life photographs, inspired by the paintings of old masters, but showing our modern fruits and vegetables from the supermarket, with label stickers or wrapped in plastic.

Andrzej Maciejewski was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1959. He studied photography in Poland and Czechoslovakia, and in 1985 moved to Canada. His most famous projects so far, was "After Norman," a re-photographic project about Montreal, based on iconic 19th century photographs by Notman Studio. Andrzej has also published three books, Bread, Toronto Parks and After Notman. His works can be found in numerous public, private and corporate collections.

"Garden of Eden" was shortlisted in the still-life category of Sony World Photo Awards and published in several magazines. Early this year, photographs from the series were on exhibit in London at Sony World Photography Festival, and in New York at Art for change: Faces of Economy.
From August 20th to September 23rd, "Garden of Eden" will be on view at Camerawork Gallery in Portland Oregon. The photographic exhibition will be the first solo show of this project, inaugurating its world tour, to Las Vegas first, and then to several other venues in the US, Canada and Europe.

The 21st century society has created new Garden of Eden, where everything looks perfect and flawless. But many things, like the taste, the singularity and often even the humanity, have been lost during this process. My intention was to inspire a discussion on our relationship with the nature and the direction of our civilization.
~~Andrzej Maciejewski

Andrzej Maciejewski
Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden - Exhibition at Camerawork Gallery, Portland Oregon
August 20 - September 23, 2011
This post is also featured on the Huffington Post

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