Just for fun !

Monday, June 20, 2011

Mariana Monteagudo: " Fake Idols "

The Venezuelan artist Mariana Monteagudo best known for her Munecas, doll sculptures, is beginning a new body of work. Little heroes, action figures, cartoon characters such as Betty Boop and Barbie dolls are the sources of inspiration for her new series titled " Fake Idols."

Monteagudo's work reveals an element of irony, not only in her unprejudiced use of iconography, but also in the way the artist takes features from toys, figures designed to show tenderness, with their big heads and moving expressions.

" This is the beginning of a new stage in my work. I'm starting to investigate new materials such as hard latex and other synthetic derivates, in a search that will certainly enrich my work and provide new languages or means of expression to my 10 years + career. The work has been slowly unfolding a different spirit, more industrial, more hybrid, taking references from the memory of our generation. A look from the distance to the icons of our society, trying not to take them for granted, but showing a different side, sometimes dark and frightening."
~~Mariana Monteagudo

The artist lives and works in Miami.

Fake Idols

Fake Idols will be on exhibit at Almeida Dale Gallery, Sao Paulo
July 2011


  1. Hi,visiting from The Ultimate Blog Hop. I'm now following your blog. I would love if you could return the favor.

    Thank you.

  2. I absolutely love Marina's art dolls. I actually interviewed her on my blog, Artist in LA LA Land. She talks about her background and her favorite toys which inspire her. Here's the link: http://melissakojima.blogspot.com/search?q=mariana+monteagudo


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