Just for fun !

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Bamboo House of Benjamin Garcia Saxe

A bamboo house nestled among trees, surrounded by a forest, an aloe vera planted in the dirt floor of the living room, and a cone-shaped dome that opens to the sky revealing the natural elements of the forest, an oasis of simplicity and tranquility where you  only hear the loud noise of the crickets at sunset and the birds singing at dawn.... This is the lovely house that Benjamin Garcia Saxe has built for his mother in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
" A Forest for a Moon Dazzler," the small bamboo structure designed by UK-based architect Benjamin Garcia Saxe has won first prize in the private house category at the world architectural festival held this year in Barcelona. This unique forest home features two separate modules - a kitchen/living-area on one end and a bedroom space on the other with a courtyard/garden in between.
"My mom and I never had a place we could call home.... always dreaming of a place we could be together."

A Forest for a Moon Dazzler

The aloe vera tree

The cone-shaped roof

Images courtesy Benjamin Garcia Saxe

1 comment:

  1. Merci pour ces magnifiques images de la "Bamboo création" de Benjamin Garcia Saxe ! J'adoooore !! J'ai découvert votre blog à travers le Facebook de Kate afonida qui y a mis les-dîtes images avec un lien vers vous. Elle met en ligne des albums formidables & souvent atypique !
    Pour ma part... je tiens un restÖ exotique dit atypique de part le fait qu'on a re-créé une plage au milieu des vignes.. Un oeil ? www.miamplage.com (vidéo du dernier)


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