Just for fun !

Monday, August 9, 2010

Indoor Desert, Ghost Towns

In 1908, the town of Kolmanskop in southern Namibia  had become a profitable gold mine. Once the resources were exhausted, it was abandoned in 1954 and homes, hospitals, theaters, and factory buildings were left at the mercy of the Namib desert. Since then, the winds have filled the rooms of these deserted buildings with sand. Here is a series of haunting photographs of abandoned Namibian diamond towns by Spanish photographer Alvaro Sanchez-Montanes with a post-apocalytic feel, the desert appears to be swallowing the houses.

Images courtesy of Alvaro Sanchez-Montanes


  1. j'aime bcp les photos..n'hésite pas à passer sur mon blog et si tu le trouves intéréssant, ajoute toi aux membres..
    des bises!


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